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Today we bring you the interview series!

The first interview is with the president of Takakura Kohgyo, Mr. Yasuo Takahashi.
As Takakura Kohgyo Co.,Ltd. was founded in 1939, current president Mr. Yasuo Takahashi is fourth- generation president.
We heard some stories unique to fourth-generation and his future prospect in this interview.


Mr. Takahashi, you are fourth-generation of Takakura Kohgyo Co.,Ltd. Were you born and raised in Kasugai-city?

Actually, I was born in Yokohama-city. My father had decided to take over the family business and we moved to Kasugai when I was in first grade of primary school. I have been living Kasugai-city after that.

You were born in Yokohama! I didn’t know that.
What was your childhood like?

I loved playing outdoors, playing baseball, fishing, going bike riding, playing dodgeball, was an energetic boy. I was an attention seeker, but not a character such like becoming a class representative. I liked and enjoyed being a committee member for school events such as sports festivals and school trips.

I belonged to Handball club in Junior high school, Badminton club in High school, and Ski club in University, I used to try many different sports to enjoy.


Mr. Takahashi always actively listens to employee’s and external opinions, and tries to incorporate them to his management.
It seems we might be able to say this root came from between his childhood and school days.

Management Philosophy

Let’s get something straight, perhaps I can say I’ve had a “sheltered life”. Because fortunately we have a family business that has been running for many years since I was born, so I have lived without any inconvenience. Maybe that’s why, I think I am a type of personality who has not a so-called hungry spirit.

When I started to work as a president of the company, first thing that I did was pondering “what do I want to do”. In that moment, one thing which came to mind was “Since we are all here, I want to improve the company with all the team together”, that was simple feeling.

Mangement Philosophy of “TO MAKE CUSTOMERS, EMPLOYEES AND COMPANY ALL HAPPY”, your thought is put into it!

What is “Grinding Wheels” for you?

Grinding Wheels are consumable goods. Our grinding wheels are mainly used for wood materials, tiles, injection needles and automobile components, but grinding wheels are an essential part of most industries. The customers cannot manufacture their products without grinding wheels. I feel responsibility that we are manufacturing the behind-the-scene products which are indispensable to the industrial world.

I have been familiar with grinding wheels because it’s our business since I was born, so personally I don’t have any special and extraordinary feelings toward them. However, I have always had the desire to “make products better than ever” for our customers.

After I share with team the desire to create “this kind of grinding wheel”, and when it can be created exactly what we desired, it is one of the most satisfying and happy moment for me.

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